Healthy Skin Tips

Adult acne

Adult Acne

Adult acne is a thing. You are not alone if you are still fighting spots. 64% of adults suffer from acne in their 20’s and 43% in their 30’s. It is even possible to get acne for the first time as an adult. In the same way that men bald in a certain pattern, adult onset acne tends to affect the lower third of the face with red angry bumps and painful pus-filled pimples along the jawline, chin and neck. The hair follicles and oil-producing glands in this area are more sensitive to hormones sending oil production into overdrive. Sound familiar?

You are half bacterial

There are roughly the same number of bacteria in our body as human cells. So, it turns out that half of us is bacterial – we are walking petri dishes!

These tens of trillions of helpful bacteria, viruses and fungi living on our skin and in our gut help us digest food, break down toxins, make some of our hormones and keep our immune and nervous systems in balance.

red face solutions

Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to your RED FACE

NO, I haven’t been drinking. NO, I am not blushing. NO, I am not having an allergic reaction. NO, I would not like to hear about the cream which helped your sister’s boyfriend’s uncle. If this sounds familiar, listen up. What is rosacea? Rosacea is a spectrum of redness: from dilated, broken capillaries often on …

Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to your RED FACE Read More »