Unveiling the ‘corny’ truth: jaw-dropping hydration results

skin hydration

Yes our award-winning Complete Serum contains not one but – TWO powerful water-binding powerhouse ingredients – hyaluronic acid and glycerin – but how can we be sure that it’s actually working to boost the skin’s moisture levels?

Well, we put it through rigorous third party testing of course using cutting-edge clinical skin instruments and state-of-the art technology.


A corneometer is a device used to measure the hydration levels of the skin’s outermost layer, known as the stratum corneum. It works by checking how well your skin can hold onto an electrical charge, which tells us how much moisture it has. This measurement helps provide quantitative data on how well our products impact skin hydration lêvels.

So how did our Complete Serum measure up using corneometer measurements?

In a 4 week study of 20 volunteers, the Complete Serum was proven to increase skin hydration levels not only immediately but also by an average of 67% compared to baseline levels of hydration when applied twice daily.

What does this level of increased hydration do to wrinkles?

It plumps them out!

hydration to wrinkles

Drench your skin with our powerful, water-rich Complete Serum suitable for all skin types and allow beautifully hydrated skin to surface.


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